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Putain, faut vraiment que je m'y mette un peu plus, sa ma l'air très prometteur :)

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  • 4 semaines après...
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  • 1 mois après...

Comme vous le voyez dans la news précédente, ça a boséé pas mal sur le bestiaire. Ci dessous, un des modèles bien que d'autres soit déjà en travaux. Incluant avec les modèles 3D, les animations et textures. Ceci grâce à un autre studio de Dev qui a fait ça gratuitement pour le dev de kenshi.






Un nouveau type de monde va faire son apparition 4 fois plus grand. Il inclura différentes biomes plutôt que le seul désert. Ainsi on aura droit à un marécage et à la savane pour ne citer qu'eux. Il y aura beaucoup plus de reliefs : collines, dunes, canyon...etc








Beaucoup de corrections de bugs et d'amélioration sur le système de construction. Un gros travail sur le pathfinding. Une IA bien meilleure.

Ajout de tourelles d'entraînement et de tourelles à harpons, de nouveaux murs et portes et de bien d'autres choses.

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  • 1 mois après...

Une petite news pour vous prévenir que le moteur est passé en 64 bit et que dans les prochaines MAJ nous verrons beaucoup plus de personnages se balader dans les villes et tout et tout. Le studio a aussi embauché un scénariste pour faire des tas de texte et des quêtes.

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Un peu de bestiaire :


Here are some of the latest 3D beast models for Kenshi's planned wildlife. First up are Otto's designs - all that's left now is for the rigging and animation:





And, in case you missed the posts on Facebook or Twitter, here is one of the latest models from Bug Zen too:



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  • 1 mois après...

Un aperçu de la progression du jeu, une image mettant en live une créature du bestiaire et une image montrant le décor dans la zone des marais :


So here's the progress we've made so far this month - complete with percentages and charts n stuff due to popular demand ;) :




Dialogue & AI: The actual foundations/ programming of the dialogue are like 75% done, but there just isn’t much actual content yet. Content is <5%. The good news for this though, is that modders will have a lot more power and stuff to play around with.


Stealth: The stealth function itself is pretty much complete, just needs fine-tuning. This will allow you to sneak past enemies etc, and in later updates open up the doors for stealing (once actual steal-able content is added). AI is now scheduled, so shopkeepers now close their shops at night and shoo you out, and guard shifts and patrols change, later leading to possible burglarising. So not much thievery to do yet, but you can use the skill for escaping cannibal camps and avoiding bandits.


Pathfinding: The bane of us all... The foundations have pretty much all been finished for a while now, it’s just a matter of ironing out the butt load of bugs which keep cropping up, hence why we keep saying ‘it’s nearly finished, just a few more weeks now’. So apologies if ETA predictions in the past have felt misleading, at least now we’ve learned our lesson not to be too hasty with our ETAs.


Beasts: The good news is that beasts are going much quicker than we’d originally planned for. It’s still early stages, so at the moment all they can do is basic actions like running and walking. Just need to work on ragdoll and combat animation, plus more normal beast behaviour AI (the unfinished dialogue AI has been making them say some pretty random, hurtful stuff).




Weather System: Maykol has pretty much finished with the programming for the weather system so now we just need to start on the actual animation and visuals. Later on down the line the different weather will harm characters, damage machinery, ruin farms… that sort of thing. But that’s way ahead.


World Map: This won’t be released until nearer release in the beta version. The terrain is mostly finished now but it still needs most of the texture and foliage doing. We’ve still not started on towns and cultures yet either so it would be too dull to release without more content in it.



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  • 3 semaines après...

Une news. Le jeu avance beaucoup plus vite depuis que leur équipe s'est agrandit. Grosse nouveauté que je note, les étages multiples dans les bâtiments. Avant, peu importait la taille du bâtiment, c'était juste le toit qui était plus haut.


Here's our progress this month:

Dialogue & AI Programming is at 99%, but the actual content is at 5%.

Stealth Programming is at 90%, but stealth content is at 5%.

Beast Programming is at 80%, while content, again, is at about 5%.

Weather System Programming is almost finished at 95%, but with 0% content.

Pathfinding is at 95% completion


In a little more detail, here is a list of features we've managed to finish so far, all ready to be released with the next update once the pathfinding is stable enough:

  • Creatures are now mostly coded in. Introducing the Beak Thing, a blind carnivorous giraffe/bird creature.


  • Added stealth!
  • 64-bit version available. 32-bit version will continue, but will get occasional crashes.
  • New dialog/AI hybrid system that takes into account situation details and remembers what you've done in the past.
  • Thugs and bandits can now harass and rob you rather than always attacking on sight.  Thugs in town can insult you, then go outside the gates and jump you when you leave town.  NPCs can follow and chase you while they talk or threaten you, and know the difference if you are running away.
  • Changes to relation system, fighting someone in the middle of nowhere has very little effect on faction relations.  Individuals can be perceived as temporary enemies or allies.
  • A new terrain engine was necessary for the 64bit build.  It looks worse than the old one because we've run out of texture units, but only until we upgrade to DX11, then it should look better again.
  • NPC AI now has a schedule.  They go to bed at night.  Shopkeepers shoo you out of their shop at closing time and lock up for the night.
  • Buildings can now have multiple floors
  • Characters are less disadvantaged by being outnumbered, your lvl 50 warrior can now take out a group of starving bandits without getting mobbed. Basically they will miss more often as he moves around and dodges.
  • More details added to the GUI, including visible calculations for character stats and penalties.
  • Multi-threaded resource loading for smooth creation of models and textures.  Shorter loading hiccups when moving around the map.

The longer Sam takes finishing the pathfinding system, the more content gets into the next update.

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  • 1 mois après...

C'est devenu beau. Leur site aussi a changé.


Here are few screen-grabs of some of the landscape taken at various times over the development period so far… It’s a huge place though so still some ways to go.

Made mostly using Z-Brush, World Machine and elbow grease.












Until we have a more stable build available, I will add all the changelists for 0.70.x in this post. Here are the latest patches so far:

  • Another possible stability improvement for the random crash, lets find out if it helps or not…
  • Also fixed a few regular crashes
  • Fixed armour quality resetting on load
  • Shopkeeper “welcome” can now be interrupted
  • Fixed nest items spawning too much when re-loading
  • Fixed flophouse beds even more
  • Fixed KO NPCs spotting sneaking characters
  • Fixed too many NPCs having negative medic skill
  • Fixed no-dialogue police chief
  • Slavers wont try to capture animals now
  • Fixed hair vanishing after wearing a helmet
  • Fixed holes in character mesh when removing armour
  • Stopped shopkeepers dropping items when restocking inventory
  • Fixed crash when upgrading certain buildings
  • Fixed the extra characters problem when importing a game with research
  • Fixed the invisible cannibal cages bug


  • Fixed the worst moving-around-the-map random crash.
  • Fixed some minor dialogue glitches
  • Fixed cannibal cooking crash
  • Fixed the flophouse beds not working
  • Fixed the characters being ragdoll in cages
  • Fixed crash when harpooning animals
  • Fixed a few more smaller random crashes


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  • 2 semaines après...

Ils travaillent sur des nouvelles races ainsi que sur les modèles féminins. Le jeu a vraiment de la gueule pour une Alpha. Déjà quand je l'ai acheté il y a 1 an, le contenu était énorme et c'est de mieux en mieux.


Otto’s started designing other races to inhabit Kenshi’s diverse planned biomes. Here’s some of the concept artwork so far:



3D models of the bone people:



And Bug Zen’s Linda MacGill is still contributing to the bestiary. Here’s her latest finished beast, an over-sized insectoid, ready for animation:



couple of weeks back, Otto showed off some of the new male character models that he’s been working on (see here). Here are the new female models he’s finished designing lately:



Plus a few aesthetic additions to our current building exteriors:


In the next couple of weeks, we hope to have a few extra humanoid models ready to show you all  – this should finally clear up the mystery behind the ominous greyed out ‘Race’ button in the character creation menu…

In the meantime, happy Christmas from the Lo-Fi team icon_biggrin.gif

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  • 3 semaines après...

Travail sur l'interface :


Behold! Otto’s new GUI design overhaul is almost complete and will hopefully be ready in-game in the next few weeks.



Pathfinding bugs

I’ve recently noticed some concerns in the forums that we’ve been neglecting the bugs and crashes of Kenshi while we work on new character models, content and other designs. I’d just like to make it clear that the pathfinding bugs and crashes are our number 1 priority, and both Chris and Sam are working on this full-time until we can get it stable. New content is much easier to show with images and progress updates, but in no way does this mean that we’ve forgotten about bug fixing or finishing the pathfinding overhaul.

Update 0.71.1 Experimental Version

0.71.1 is out now! Here is the changelog:


  • Mostly fixing various crashes. The notorious Havok crash is still at large.
  • Fixed the crash with loading certain 0.71.0 savegames
  • Dialog system now supports monologues and changable player_talk_to interruption dialogs
  • Fixed the character editor FACE/BODY tabs being missing
  • Fixed the turrets having 1 damage
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Sa devient quand même un très bon jeu, j'attend encore quelques version pour recommencer, mais les premières alpha m'avait séduites.

Devenez membre de l'association !

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Ben j'ai test la version expérimental donc en acceptant la Maj dans steam et on peut utiliser le debug mode dans partie et construire tout ou presque pour voir. Donc on peut se faire une grosse forteresse et c'est bien drôle.

On peut aussi augmenter la population, la taille des patrouilles, le nombre de points de spawn sur la carte avant de commencer une partie. Faut avoir une grosse config en revanche mais faut test pour voir ce qui convient le mieux à sa config.

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  • 3 mois après...
  • 4 semaines après...

Je posterais pas toutes les MAJ qu'ils ont fait depuis car cela concerne des corrections de bugs et des ajouts. Je vais plutôt montrer le travail sur lequel ils bossent. Grossomerdo, du travail sur les lumières, les biomes, les races, les équipements. On peut voir la différence de versions entre la dernière image et la 3ème au dessus :



Work-in-progress screenshots of darkness:






Programming-wise, Maykol is still at work on integrating the re-designed GUI; hopefully it will be ready for the last final touches next week. Chris and Sam have now both finished slavery mechanics and the DirectX11 upgrade. They’re now back on fixing up the path-finding system and other general bugs which have emerged after adding the new content. We’ve also finally added the very first carry lights into the game!…


Otto’s been working on a range of odd jobs, including models for lights, the latest new race (sorry, no screens just yet), our re-designed logo & avatar, and some WIP sketches for new creature concepts:



em already).


Here are our very rough notes on them so far:

  • Hive based, serve their queens. When a queen dies, the subjects all either die or become lost “Ronin”.
  • All male, except the queen.  Males are impregnated by the queen.
  • No blood, they are “dry lubricated”, silicon based.
  • Wider FOV angle due to eyes on side of heads
  • Very skinny, low strength, high speed + dexterity.
  • Their selfless loyalty to the hive and desire to work hard is enforced by the hive’s pheromones
  • Known for being untrustworthy.
  • Often merchants who sell produce for the hive.
  • Ronin of lost hives become the more interesting individuals.
  • Separate worker and warrior classes.
  • Value the good of the hive above all else, personal benefit and safety is irrelevant.
  • Soldiers/Hammerheads are the soldiers and enforcers. Dumb and aggressive. Shorter, bulkier and stronger.
  • Workers/Tallheads are the workers, industrious, fast. Sometimes sent as traders for more dangerous jobs, because they are more expendable.  Bonus to labouring
  • Princes/Hivefaces are the high ranking smart ones- generals, diplomats, assassins, traders.
  • Those that spend too long far away from the hive gain more free will and individuality.  Some can die instead.
  • They don’t have a concept of individual names

Free Hiveman/Defectors:

  • Spent so long from the hive that they become free and individuals. Choose not to go back. “Defect” to freedom.
  • The most existentially confused and depressed. More so than the Skeletons. Suddenly going from higher purpose to nothing but the self.
  • Hammerheads are too dumb to get free, usually return because they just like having a violent purpose. Those that do remain free usually become bandits or mercs. Military won’t take them.
  • Faces are designed to be away and independent for a long time, so they don’t have a problem, defecting to freedom is very rare.
  • Tallheads are the usual, as they are smarter than hammerheads and more heavily controlled than faces.
  • Tend to wander a lot, seeking purpose

The Shek (you may remember them referred to as bone people previously) will now be in game alongside the new human character models. The new models should reduce a bit of the CPU load.




We’ve been pretty quiet these past couple of weeks mainly bug fixing and preparing the slavery update for a hopeful release next week. Sam is still on the pathfinding (more details about that in our previous post) while Chris has been fixing bugs caused by the new content. He’s also optimised the AI system for a slight boost in performance.

Currently, there are three main things at the moment making the game run slow:

  1. The AI system has been growing too complex. As above, the good news is that this has been optimised now so it won’t be a problem anymore.
  2. The Havok system uses up a bit of CPU time and also causes framerate spikes by freaking out whenever a path fails. Sam is working on this with the pathfinding and it will be fixed shortly after the next update.
  3. The new terrain plugin has poor performance. This will also be Sam’s job to fix after he has sorted out Havok, possibly around 2 weeks work.

Maykol’s finished implementing the biggest changes in the new GUI – all the windows, panels and new character editor. Right now he’s focused on fixing small UI errors and details with Otto for the release. If we have time before the release, we’re planning on implementing pinned windows for the inventory and the stats, this should make it easier to transfer items between characters.

Oli has been refining biomes and created some super sized trees (you can see these in the background of the swamp screenshot). These are almost finished now and just need some hanging tendrils and vines added, roughly just a day’s more work.

Land-Images1 Land-Images2

And the Hive People from last week are almost finished! The models are now complete, they just need a bit of fixing to make them compatible with the character editor.
 Thank you all for waiting so patiently so far, hopefully if all goes smoothly we can finally get this out to you next week!
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  • 4 mois après...

Quelques news :

Feature-wise, progress for Kenshi has been trickling along slowly this past month or two, however we now finally have some screens of what our artists have been working on while the programmers fix bugs:


Another new creature, a giant frog from the swamplands area of the new world map, all modeled up but still in need of animating. Note that Swamp Frogs aren’t yet released in game.land1.jpgland2.jpg

More mystery ruins for the New Landsland3.jpgland4.jpg

 Scaffolds of a mining town on the border of the Tar Sands. (Eventually there will be buildings on the flat tops with bridges connecting the flat-topped islands of rock/ small settlements. The tarry canyon bottoms will be fog-filled, unconnected from the tops and poisonous. So far, this is all procedural)

And in our latest update, Chris recently added the small feature of Mercenary Shops. You’ll now be able to hire temporary mercs to defend your base – these are currently only in the Experimental build and you’ll need to import to a new game for them to appear.



This month we’ve been working on bringing back town assaults for release in the next update. Instead of random attacks like before, assaults will now be dynamic, they’ll come from an actual camp or town with a real population count. Basically, this means that you’ll have the option to destroy your attackers at their source, either by assassinating their leader or by just weakening their faction in general by wiping out large numbers of them.

Chris has designed 17 unique bandit groups so far, so we’ll eventually have a lot more variety than the standard Dust Bandits and Starving Bandits. We’ve got racist Shek warlords, sadistic nobles, extortionist mercs… attackers will be able to conscript victims to serve in their own army, or they’ll eventually be able to take over and occupy your town. Here’s the different bandit types we have planned:

Looters/Raiders – Hit & run attacks

Slave makers – Raid to enslave victims to sell to the trade guild

Extortionists – Primarily about dialog where they make threats and ask for something

Warlord – Conquer their target towns and occupy.  Tend to just conquer one or a few places and hold them

Ravagers – Conquer towns but just destroy and pillage them, then move on to the next.  Can devastate a whole biome.

Racist – Attacks/raids are triggered by the presence of a certain race

Conscriptor – Enslaves people but keeps them for own use


Mike’s started updating our current particle system so that we can use volumetric fog (see our last Dev Blog) to create new types of weather effects and biome hazards. We also have a few mask designs which will be used to protect from these enviromental hazards:



We now have a new GUI window for trading characters. With this system, you’ll be able to rent mercs, bail your squad out of prison, buy your guys back from slavers… or even sell them off to the slavers instead.



For those of you who prefer frequent updates, prepare yourselves – our next few updates will be slow and steady with lots of new content every few months or so. Basically, less frequent updates will help massively speed up our progress until Beta… We’re determined to pick up our pace and hit Beta next year 



Just a couple of teasers from our progress this last couple of weeks! You should be able to expect our next content update around the end of this month, until then, hold tight…


War campaign AI is now underway so that NPC factions will be able to invade and attack towns. We also now have two new movement formations for NPC squads based on the type of faction that the squad is from.

Firstly, we have military (box shaped):


And caravan (line shaped):



We’ve gone back to working on the weather system too.  Here’s our first screengrab of volumetric fog…


Now that we have basic fog, we have a base for other weather effects such as storms and twisters.


Just a few small improvements, Maykol’s been improving the general behavior with switching between floors, plus he’s added support for an extra floor on buildings. We’ve also gotten started improving the camera movement and rotation, especially when moving around buildings, floors and following characters. And we’ve also had a small performance boost after doing some multi-threading to the AI.


 Hopefully we’ll have plenty of stuff ready by the end of the month – it’s been another long update and we appreciate everyone’s patience 



Our first new town is complete! Check it out:




We also have our new Bat creature modeled and rigged ready for animation:


Annnd I’m just gonna chuck in this Swamp pest which I’d totally forgotten about. He was finished a few weeks back:


The new interiors (from our last Dev Blog) are almost finished with over 20 different new designs for all the bars, shops, prisons, residential houses, barracks and temples etc. Otto’s also added paint for the different faction armours – just to be clear though, this doesn’t mean that gear will be customizable by the player, just that there will be a better variety of armour.


I’ve almost finished a few attack dialogues specific to the Empire, Holy Nation, Dust Bandits, Shek Kingdom and Starving Bandits. With these, the player will have the opportunity to talk their way out of fights instead of just having mindless all-out battles. They still need a lot more testing, plus the way in which the attacks are triggered still needs some balancing too. I’ve also added a couple of new recruit personalities for the bars.


Now that the big bug fixing phase is over, we’ll get back to the dev blogs… Here are a few little things we’ve been working on lately:


Mostly, everyone is working on smaller bug fixes while Chris finishes up the thievery system. The shadow system is currently being upgraded so that it runs faster, thanks to some suggested techniques from Linda. Mike’s also started adding the ability to swim for the Newlands. You can follow the bug fixing in more detail on our Trello.


Otto’s created some new interiors for various buildings. Here’s a new standard building interior for the Storm Building:


And as for the biome design, Oli’s been positioning the roads and main travel routes while Chris has been populating our first New Lands town. We still have a way to go before we can release the New Lands to the public – this includes technical fixes like shaders and performance improvements; weather; resources; ruins; and then gameplay elements and gamedata.



I’ve gone back to working on basic dialogue packages for a few various personalities – basically reactions to certain events (crimes for example), plus a few more escape events. To keep things realistic, we changed some of the conditions for the existing escapes so that the imprisoned npc will now be able to distinguish whether you’re his/her captor or not. This all still needs some bug fixing and more testing before it can be released into the game. I’ve also taken on a super helpful volunteer, Gauthier, who has been helping me flesh out the lore of the individual factions to be more coherent and in-depth.

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  • 3 ans après...
  • 1 mois après...

Quelqu'un a essayé d'y jouer dans la langue de Molière  récemment ?

Sur la page Steam, c'est marqué en bas que la trad arrivera prochainement et c'est marqué à droite que l’interface, l'audio et les sous-titres sont disponibles en sept langues, dont le  français.

Malheureusement, je ne peux pas lancer le jeu, car mon pc actuel n'est pas compatible. 

(sinon, je serais dessus au lieu de passer du temps sur fogen. )


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La config minimale est un dual core et il n'y a pas besoin de carte graphique dédiée. Tu joues avec un frigo connecté de première génération ? :)

Sérieusement, le problème de "compatibilité" ne doit pas venir du matos, tu pourrais essayer de contacter les devs pour tenter de comprendre le problème.


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