HawK-EyE Posté(e) le 25 mars 2013 Posté(e) le 25 mars 2013 Nice article from Fast Company on our Kickstarter efforts to bring back the classic RPG.How InXile Went Old School, Kickstarted Millions Of Dollars To Rule Role-Playing Gameswww.fastcompany.comIt sounds like a video game: our heroes are Davids, up against Big Gaming's Goliaths. In order to survive, they must race against the clock, raise serious cash, and innovate within an inch of their lives. Can... they... do it?!When Torment: Tides of Numenera, went up on Kickstarter, inXile Entertain... 49d5937a070e79c5d1ae28135be811b1 >Lire la suite ... Citer pour me contacter: [email protected] -> [email protected]
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