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Copie du topic : A night of Violence


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Hey guys !

After hours of negociation during the afternoon, we tried yesterday to meet at Borken Hills, to make our alliance official : Banda Untitled + Vault Silene Brahminy + Cajuns. First, Banda's took the city and made it safe (we can say it !) for us to enter talking, but many left then for redding, and Repos came back to destroy what we were trying to build ! We managed to regroup again after an update of the server, and finally did this little meeting :

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Xell, leader of the Banda's, called 'Stick Em Up Kidz' on 2238, and his band; Mudr Death, aka Sius, leader of the 'Vault Silene Brahminy', and some of his men who could enter Broken Hills at this moment; and Shangalar, negociator of the alliance, with some great members of Cajuns (The Charlemagnes, at the moment) who came with him.

After talking about exchanging our member lists on this forum and fighting some repos in Broken Hills, we went to New Reno where we knew they were regrouping :

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We didnt find them and went to Modoc, and then Klamath. No one of them. Are they scaring ? No ! Xell tells me in Klamath that some of his guys stayed at New Reno and have been killed ! But its too late, and he and most of his men have to disconnect. Finally, with one Banda (Energizer) and our great friends VSB, we DESTROYED their ASSES and some of their allies Orphans, in Gas Station in New Reno, without one death on our side... They were disguted, and we didn't see them for the rest of the night.

Image IPB

What a nice first night of massacre ! Hope we'll have more soon !


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Ouai c'était bien fun et cool, il aurait fallut que l'on enchaine un peu plus de fights à mon gout :incazzato: En tout cas ils sont bien sympas ces gars et j'espere que l'on recassera du répo et autre orphans ensemble :ihih: RedSquad

Les cons ça ose tout, c'est même à ça qu'on les reconnait

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Ah je vois que les relations qui étaient déjà entamées ce week end ont fait des petits, bonne nouvelle. :) Félicitations et merci à ceux qui se sont impliqués la dedans en tout cas, je sais d'expérience que ça peut être beaucoup plus compliqué à organiser qu'il n'y parait!

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